Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Honor and its apparent demise.

Posit this sad and frightful reality. Imagine that the current organization of human society allows for specialized elites and their sycophants to broadcast through the managed media the most outrageous lies and insults against entire demographics who do not employ similar methods in their own defense. In this case, it is beneath the honor of those who are wronged to reply within the same context. These same amoral manipulators can only achieve mass demoralization by actively slighting the simple human dignity of those who will be the offended. It will be easier to stomach literal foreclosing, bankrupting, and finally "starving them out" after they have been made the butt of pejorative 'inside' jokes.

Make no mistake. Just because there is no currently politically correct procedure for discharging insults to one's honor (duelling, fisticuffs, or any other kind of honest dispute) does not follow that the insult has been absorbed or that there is no need for it to be so discharged. The insult remains, and like an atmospheric charge on a cold winter's day, it waits for the opportune moment to jump across a short space to its oppositely charged pole. A static electronic charge will build like anger until the lightning strikes. Revolution is coming, and the thieving elites of every specialized industry (political, financial, legal, medical, manufacturing, scientific, journalistic, advertising, entertainment, etc.) will be killed by the thousands. Others of their kind will consider it a great fortune just to escape with their lives, though their very families are sacrificed. Many will be eaten for food. Offenses to human honor can only be discharged through honest dispute or through sincere apologies.

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